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From an Au-Watcher in Massachusetts:

Sen. Au blames the Repubs for her re-districting, but I can't help but wonder if the Dem Senate leadership gladly assented to it behind closed doors. Think about it: she is a NYC native, Wellesley grad, M.D., a best-selling author, a talented cartoonist, etc., a juggernaut of talents and energy who inspires devotion and enthusiasm amongst her followers-- i.e., hardly your typical State Senator. Her term in the Senate, marked by outspoken drive and media savvy, calls to mind the David Bowie lyrics: "I stumble into town/ Just like a sacred cow/ Visions of swastikas in my head/ Plans for everyone...." I'm confident the entrenched Dem Senate leadership will be as happy to see her go to the House as the Repubs will.

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